Sunday, December 21, 2008

Davie the Fearless

Davie loves it when I growl at her.  I mean LOVES it.  Even when I'm making a mean, scary face . . . she thinks it's hilarious.  I don't make a habit of making mean, scary faces at my 4 month old, but she thought it was so funny when I growled with a smiley face, so I just tried it, and she laughed even more.  She's fearless.  Anyways, it's her new favorite thing.  She tries to do it, but it just sounds like everything else she tries to do.  

Also, I think she is getting tired of us fixing everything with a song.  Yesterday I was at my parent's house and she had just woken up from her nap and was not that happy.  She wasn't crying, but she wasn't amused by anything either.  My sister tried to sing her a song and she burst into sad, angry tears, as if to say, "No.  Not this time.  A song can't fix my hunger!  I need a bottle."  So she got one, and all was well.  

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